If you are encountering issues with static IP configuration on the OpsRamp Gateway, follow these steps to manually configure and verify network settings. This process ensures that the network configuration is correctly applied and persists after reboots.

  1. Login to the Gateway using ruser.
  2. Take the root access:
    • Switch to root by running the command:
      sudo su -
    • Enter the password when prompted.
  3. Configure the network settings:
    • Navigate to the network configuration directory:
      cd /etc/netplan
    • Check the current network configuration by displaying the contents of the configuration file:
      cat 00-installer-config.yaml
  4. Ensure that all required network settings are present in the output from the above command.
  5. If any configurations are missing, update the network settings using the admin login.
  6. Delete all unnecessary files from /etc/netplan except 00-installer-config.yaml.
  7. To disable automatic DHCP IP updates by cloud-init, run the following commands:
    mkdir -p /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/
    echo "network: {config: disabled}" > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
    sed -i '/\/usr\/bin\/grep/s/^#\?/#/' /etc/rc.local
  8. To apply the network configuration changes manually, run the following command:
    netplan apply
  9. Verify the IP address using following command.
    ip addr
  10. Verify the network configuration by rebooting the VM.