This section of the document explains how to view the details related to the network topology map such as node information, source, and target information.

To view the node details:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Network Topology.

  2. Select a resource from the drop-down list.
    The topology explorer is displayed with the base resource you selected and its neighbors including the connections, based on the Depth level.

  3. Click on a node to view the information such as Make, OS details, and other details.

    Following is the information with description:

    Resource TypeType of the resource.
    Host NameName of the host.
    IP AddressDetails of the IP address.
    MakeMake details of the device.
    ModelModel name of the device.

    You can also access the view topology and view network performance from the resource details page.

    With the node expansion feature, you can expand each node individually. This feature significantly enhances user experience, improves performance, and provides a more scalable and customizable approach to visualizing complex network relationships.

    Node expansion examples:

    To view the link details:

    1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Network Topology.

    2. Select a resource from the drop-down list.

    3. Click on a link to view the information such as Source, Target and other details.

    OVERVIEWSourceName of the source.
    TargetName of the target.
    Source InterfaceDetails of the source interface.
    Target InterfaceDetails of the target interface.
    AvailabilityCheck the availability status.
    SpeedSpeed details of the link.
    ProtocolProtocol details of the link.
    Source IPSource IP details.
    Target IPTarget IP details.
    SOURCEHost NameName of the host.
    Resource TypeType of the resource.
    IP AddressSource IP address.
    MakeMake details of the source.
    ModelModel name of the source.
    Serial NumberSource serial number details.
    TARGETHost NameName of the host.
    Resource TypeType of the resource.
    IP AddressTarget IP address.
    MakeMake details of the target.
    ModelModel name of the target.
    Serial NumberTarget serial number details.

    Ghost Node details in Topology

    During SNMP discovery, OpsRamp identifies resources and their neighbors within the network. If a neighbor is not found in OpsRamp, it is classified as a ghost node.

    • When multiple ghost nodes share the same name, they are displayed as a single node.
    • If multiple ghost nodes have different names, they are displayed as separate nodes.

    This approach ensures a streamlined topology view while minimizing confusion caused by duplicate node entries.


    You can perform below actions under the Actions menu:

    • Schedule Maintenance - You can create a schedule maintenance for the selected node.
    • Launch Remote Session - You can launch a remote session for the selected node.
    • Delete - Delete the selected node.

    Bulk Maintenance

    The Bulk Maintenance Scheduling feature allows users to schedule maintenance activities directly from the topology page. With this capability, you can:

    • Select Multiple Nodes: Easily choose multiple devices or links within the network topology for group actions.
    • Streamline Scheduling: Create maintenance schedules for all selected nodes at once, reducing manual effort.
      This feature improves efficiency by enabling centralized and time-saving scheduling of maintenance tasks across the network.